Welcome to Our Interactive Virtual Community for Unsung Heroes

Our Unsung Heroes.
Building a Nation starts with Building our awareness of our Unsung Heroes, our people

Who or what is a hero?

For all purposes of this discussion and our website, hero may represent a male (hero) or female (heroine).

When I search for a suitable definition or description of a hero I find as diverse meanings as the people hero may describe. This confirms what we hold dearly and is often too embarrass to vocalize. Describing a hero can be an invasion of our deep and dark secrets. We start the rehearsals from early schooling as we recite from the front of the class who our heroes are yet when we become adults there is great trepidation. When we admit our heroes we reveal much about ourselves. I remember during an executive strategic planning weekend sabbatical, we were asked to get up and state our heroes and a synopsis of why. Just about everyone before me named their immediate Director. I would have loved to keep the prescribed script but morality begged me to be honest and when I named my dad a greater silence screamed through the auditorium. I could hear their hearts beating and the anxiety with which they awaited my explanation. I felt like a burden was removed from me after I had publicly praised my dad for his achievements.

It was back then, in the late 90's that I realized the importance of letting people know your heroes and why. Too often a hero may be right next to you, totally unnoticed and yet worthy of our honour and praises.

A hero by my description is a person, remember man or woman, who possess qualities of character superseding those commonly typical which allows them to perform extraordinary and unselfish deeds beneficial to others. Typically these heroes are initially unaware of their abilities and perceive themselves as regular.

We all fantasize at sometime in our lives, behaving heroic and wish that during a crisis our hidden inner heroes will surface. The thing is, when we become more aware of the achievements of others we become more confident about ourselves. Sharing the experiences of others is almost like living them yourself and when confronted with similar circumstances for the first, we may react with greater acumen.

A Society will benefit in many ways when it celebrates the good deeds and heroic feats of its people. Too many of our heroes are unheard of and fade away in the shadows of the passing time. Too often young people are totally unaware of the accomplishments of their fore fathers and have little to aspire to. If only we look at our sporting heroes, when we name their accomplishments to the young, they are often staggered by the realization that it was all done before.

Join me here as we pay Tribute to many Unsung Heroes in our region, our country and closer, in our homes. Please invite us into your life experiences as we build a Nation to a better awareness and a better future.

Happy blogging!

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